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JDI Knowledge Test

The JDI Knowledge Test gives you an opportunity to learn the fine points of the Ritual and be recognized for that knowledge. Please be sure to note the age of each Member at the time of Grand on the registration form, so that they may be placed in the proper group - Juniors, Intermediates or Seniors - based on years of membership in Job's Daughters.


All test questions will be taken from the Ritual, with a variety of true/false, multiple-choice and fill-in-the-blank type questions.  Good study resources would include the Nebraska Knowledge Course, as well as just reading the Ritual itself!  Information on how to obtain the Knowledge Course is included below for your information. 



  • Read your Ritual

    Discover all the intricate details of the Job’s Daughters Ritual with the Nebraska Knowledge Course. Take the course as an individual or as a Bethel. Click here to take the test online. Successful completion of the Course will not only help you prepare for the written test but will also allow you to earn a Nebraska Knowledge Course Charm.

Student Paper Writing

Contact Robyn Rasmussem, Grand Marshal

Mary Gammell Bylaw Test

This is the test for your Bethel to show how well you know the Constitution, Bylaws, Standard of Operations, and Manual of Rules and Regulations. All Bethel Members are eligible to take the test, but there must be a minimum of two Members to complete the test to win the trophy.



Both tests will be given on Wednesday at Grand Session (View Schedule).  Members may come at any time during that period, which should allow the opportunity to take part in competitions and practices.  There is NO limit to the number of Members that may be entered by each Bethel.  If you need specific accommodations, please note them on your registration.


Awards will be given for first, second, and third in each years of membership group. Bethels who have 100% participation of Members registered for Grand Session will also be recognized.


Good Grades
Registration Form
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