Chairperson of the Grand Bethel Representatives
Michelle Carlson, PGBHQ, Grand Bethel Guardian
2219 S 51 St, Omaha, NE 68106
402.250.1208 |
Daughters may also apply for Chairperson of the Grand Bethel Representatives 2024-2025. This position is open for application to all Daughters ages 15 to 19. The Chairperson of the GBRs will assist the Grand Bethel Committee in creating and implementing all programs for the GBRs. The Chairperson will be responsible for helping to increase engagement and involvement of all GBRs. The Chairperson will be expected to attend all statewide Job's Daughters events. All applicants may be asked to complete an interview with the Vice Grand Guardian, Associate Grand Guardian and a member of the Grand Bethel Committee during Grand Session 2024. The Chairperson will be announced during the Grand Bethel Business Meeting - Afternoon Session.
If there are any questions about any of this information, please contact the Grand Bethel Guardian or any member of the Grand Bethel Committee. We look forward to receiving candidate submissions from ALL Nebraska Bethels!