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Grand Guardian

Dehnia Bullerdiek, PMNJD,
Bethel #27


Associate Grand Guardian

Dan Chesnut, Bethel #27


2024-2025 Grand Officers

Vice Grand Guardian
Dyana Burton, PGBHQ, Bethel #63


Vice Associate Grand Guardian

Eric Bahm, Bethel #63


Grand Guide

Robyn Rasmussen, Bethel #7


Grand Inner Guard

Tom Anderson, Bethel #27


Grand Marshal



Grand Outer Guard



Grand Secretary
Deanne Grant, PGG, Bethel #14


Grand Treasurer

Brent Warwick, PAGG, Bethel #63


Grand Librarian

April Carlson, Bethel #18

Grand Chaplain

Sarah Watts, Bethel #27


Grand Director of Music

Debbie Parks, PGG, Bethel #18

Grand Senior Custodian

Randy Willoughby, Bethel #27​


Grand Junior Custodian

John Helter, Bethel #27​


Grand 1st Messenger

Janessa Carley, PGBHQ, Bethel #25​


Grand 2nd Messenger

Caitlin Marr, Bethel #18​


Grand 3rd Messenger

Diana Weers, Bethel #5​


Grand 4th Messenger

Shannon Roberts, Bethel #4​


Grand 5th Messenger

Marisa Goedhart, Bethel #17​


Grand Bethel Guardian

Kylie Vassar, Bethel #8


Associate Grand Bethel Guardian

Greg Prososki, PAGG, Bethel #5

What is the Grand Guardian Council?


The Grand Guardian Council is under the Supreme Jurisdiction and organized in the state of Nebraska.  It is a group that handles all the matters pertaining to Bethels and Bethel Guardian Councils.


There are 10 elected officers of the GGC:  The Grand Guardian, Associate Grand Guardian, Vice Grand Guardian, Vice Associate Grand Guardian, Grand Guide, Grand Inner Guard, Grand Marshal, Grand Outer Guard, Grand Secretary, and Grand Treasurer.  The Grand Secretary and Grand Treasurer can serve a term up to 10 years.  The other offices only serve 1-year terms and move from station to station up to Grand Guardian or Associate Grand Guardian.  Each officer has a set list of duties assigned to them for the current year and is required to attend the annual meetings at Grand Session.


Local Bethel Guardian Councils consist of a similar structure to that of the Grand Guardian Council, in which they must consist of a Bethel Guardian, an Associate Bethel Guardian, and a Council of elected adults who are selected for offices from within the council.

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