CAV Training
Job’s Daughters leaders foster an environment that is safe and supportive; filled with quality role models and positive experiences. The purpose of the JDI Youth Protection Program is to provide an environment to support the growth and safety of the young women in Job’s Daughters.
To earn your CAV, adult volunteers must:
Complete the training class. Dates are listed below.
After your training class, complete CAV Application. During the process, your information may be submitted for a background check.
Once you're certified - renew your CAV each year to avoid having to retake the class.
Training Class
For those in need of training must register online at least 4 days in advance. LATE ARRIVALS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED and you MUST attend the entire session to receive credit.
Please bring a sack lunch. Drinks and an afternoon snack will be provided. Dress will be appropriate casual.