Librarians Competition
Desiree Fornander, Grand Librarian
All Nebraska Job’s Daughters and Jobie to Bees are encouraged to participate in the Grand Librarian’s competitions. Hopefully there is a competition that appeals to everyone. This is a great way to express yourself using your creative side.
Category 1: Member Acrostic Poem - Grand Theme (Words: Be The Star You Are)
Category 2: Member Acrostic Poem- JDI Theme (Words: Job’s Daughters)
Category 3: Member Bethel Promotional Poster
Category 4: Member Short Story/Essay – JDI Theme
Category 5: Jobie to Bee Acrostic Poem (Word: Friendship)
Category 6: Jobie to Bee Bethel Promotional Poster
Category 7: Jobie to Bee Short Story/Essay – JDI Theme
Requirements: Acrostic Poem
a. Word left aligned, bolded, and capitalized
b. Size 12 Times New Roman font
c. One (1) inch margins
d. Title centered at the top of document -
Requirements: Bethel Promotional Poster
a. Page size 8”x10”
b. Must feature the following components:
i. Name of organization: Job’s Daughter’s International
ii. Generic Bethel number: 100
iii. Generic Bethel location: Kearney, NE
iv. A picture or pictures of your Bethel members
v. Generic contact information for your Bethel - ( / 123-456-7890)
vi. Information about JDI that would encourage a girl to want to join -
Requirements: Short Story/Essay
a. Size 12 Times New Roman font
b. One (1) inch margins
c. Title centered at the top of document
d. Double-spaced
e. 3-5 pages
Entries must be submitted or postmarked on or by May 1st, 2024. Entries submitted after this postmark date will still be included but will receive a 10-point deduction. Late entries will not be accepted after June 1st, 2024. Be creative and have fun!