Hello Nebraska Job’s Daughters! My name is Sarah Warwick and I have been installed as the Grand Bethel Honored Queen for the 2022 - 2023 “Building Our Future Leaders” year.
I am 17 years old and have been a member of Bethel 63 since I was 10. I am currently a messenger in my Bethel along with being a Past Honored Queen. This year I will be a senior at Lincoln Southwest High School. I am a part of choir, show choir, and orchestra at my school.
My project for this year as Grand Bethel Honored Queen is about recognizing the leadership and teamwork skills in our members. I ask that you turn in activities that show these skills by the daughters. If you would rather raise money, funds will be given to the Job’s Daughters International Scholarship Fund.
I can’t wait to meet and see all of the wonderful members during my travels for the year! Please contact me with any activities that your Bethel would like me to attend or anything that I can help with or support. I will do my best to be as available as possible for all Bethels.
Jobie Love,
Sarah Warwick
Grand Bethel Honored Queen 2022-2023