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2021/2022 Spirit of Job’s Daughters Award

This year, Matt and I would like to initiate an award to recognize one member who represents all of the values and attributes of Job’s Daughters. The recipient of the award will be chosen collaboratively by the 2021/2022 Grand Family. There are no nominations necessary for this award. Some of the things we will be considering include:

  • Willingness to go above and beyond for Jobie sisters both within the Bethel and outside

  • Kindness

  • Respect for and attention to ritual work

  • Participation in statewide activities

  • Respect

  • Responsibility

  • Promotion of Job’s Daughters

  • Active participant in Bethel activities

  • Creativity

  • Resilience

We hope that this opportunity for recognition inspires each of you to re-commit yourself to Job's Daughters and its betterment in ways you have yet to before. The Daughters—the more you get out of it and the likelihood that our Order will serve more young adults for many years to come. We look forward to watching each of you rise to the occasion over this year!

Angie Leeper, PHQ, MM, PBG, DoRP, Member of Honor Bethel #15

Vice Grand Guardian, Nebraska Job’s Daughters | 402.317.9870

Matt Vandergriff, PABG

Vice Associate Grand Guardian, Nebraska Job's Daughters | 402.913.4864

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