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"War on Hunger"

Hello All!

This is your invitation to our Assemblies, Bethels and Chapters to join together in our “War on Hunger” in conjunction with the Masonic Youth Leadership Conference. During the Conference we will stock food in the Food Bank in Kearney and your donations will help fill those shelves. We encourage you to contact your Masonic Lodges and Eastern Star Chapters to join you in this gathering. Donations can be brought to the Conference where they will be weighed and tallied, or you can bring the attached receipt so your Assembly, Bethel or Chapter will get credit for those donations. Prizes and recognition will be awarded to the top winners. Monetary donations are always welcome (see information on the flyer where donations are to be sent).

Our “War on Hunger” is a great way for the attendees at our Conference to have a positive impact on the Kearney community and to also impact our local food banks. We continue to hear how the need at this food banks is greater than ever, so let’s all join together to help made a difference.

MYLC Committee

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