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Team Competitions


Each Bethel may enter one team in EACH team competition.  A Member may be part of each team the Bethel enters.


  • Custodians

    • Teams of 2 Members from a single Bethel or Bethels may combine to form a team.

    • Bethels may register multiple Custodians teams.

    • Members may only participate in ONE Custodians team.

  • Capes and Crowns

    • Teams of 3 Members from a single Bethel or Bethels may combine to form a team.

    • Each Bethel may only register ONE Capes and Crowns team. 1

    • Each Member may only participate in ONE Capes and Crowns team. 

  • Circle of Five

    • Teams of 5 

    • Members from a single Bethel or Bethels may combine to form a team.

    • Each Bethel may only register ONE Circle of Five team.1 

    • Each Member may only participate in ONE Circle of Five team.2

  • Bethel Team

    • ​Teams of 7+ Members from a single Bethel or Bethels may combine to form a team.

    • Each Bethel may participate in only ONE Bethel Team team.1

    • Each Member may only participate in ONE Bethel Team team.2


1 If a single Bethel team is registered for competition, other Members of that Bethel may NOT register as part of a combined team with another Bethel. (i.e. If Bethel Z registered for Capes and Crowns, other Members of Bethel Z may NOT register as a part of a combined Capes and Crowns team with Bethel Y.)

2 Bethel Members may compete in multiple team competitions. (e.g. Custodians, Circle of Five, and Bethel Team.)

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Custodians - NEW!

Participants: Two Members from either the same Bethel or combined Bethels.


Members will prepare the Bethel room for a regular meeting. No verbatim speaking parts will be given. There will be no open flame equipment, such as candles and/or candelabra. There will be no obstructions to the floor work the members need to complete.


Read more about this competition.

Capes & Crowns

Participants: Three Daughters from the same Bethel: Honored Queen, Senior Princess, Junior Princess. Each must wear the official regalia of the office she is representing. Honored Queen must be filled by a current or past Honored Queen.


All paraphernalia, including the emblems and gavel, will be provided. There will be no Custodians, Guide, Marshal or other officers present.  They will not have to sing.  Only the speaking parts referred to in these instructions will be given.  For smoothness of delivery, most instructions to the Inner Guard, Guide, and Marshal have been omitted.


Read more about this competition.

Circle of 5

Participants: Five Members from either the same Bethel or combined Bethels.

Messengers present their lectures from the Ceremony of Initiation in sequence, each standing in the correct position west of the Altar as per the Ritual. The instructions to the Guide and Marshal must be given by the Second, Fourth, and Fifth Messengers as part of this competition.


Read more about this competition.

Bethel Team Competition

To compete in the Bethel Team Competition, each competition team must have a minimum of seven (7) Bethel Members, and no more than nineteen (19) Bethel Members participating. The competition team may be members of either a single Bethel, or multiple Bethels combining to make a competition team. Individual Bethel Members may not compete in multiple Bethel Team competitions.


Size of Room: The size of the space we will be using in the room will be approximately 27’x39’, which is the outside dimension.


Adults will not be judged on floor work or speaking parts. There must be a Bethel Guardian and Associate Bethel Guardian present for competition. An adult other than the Bethel Guardian or Associate Bethel Guardian may fill this position. The only adults from the Bethel allowed in the room will be the Bethel Guardian and Associate Bethel Guardian and adult Musician. If you will need someone to fill one of these stations, please indicate this on your Registration Form.


Accompanying Music: All music, including march music, must be played at all indicated times. Any identified march music available in the Ritual or Music Ritual may be used if the specific song is not specified. Indicate on your registration form if the team:

A. Will have a qualified accompanist (Bethel Member or adult) play the piano for competition.

B. Requests a pro-tem adult accompanist to play the piano for competition.

C. Prefers to designate an adult accompanist to play recorded music.


Singing: Members will be judged if they do not sing where indicated or if they sing anywhere not indicated. Verbatim points are not assigned to song lyrics, but words need to be clearly enunciated. The quality of singing will not be judged.


Use of Sign Language: There will be NO ceremonial use of sign language during the Ritual competition. If a participant regularly communicates via ASL, please contact the Ritual Committee.


Eye Contact: Competitors will face [forward/sidelines] when reciting their speaking parts. Members should [NOT] make [direct] eye contact with the judges. [Judges will be seated on the sidelines between the Altar and the East Line. The side of the room will be determined at Grand Session. Two members and one adult will have the opportunity to view the room prior to competition and communicate to their team the exact location of the judges.]<OR>[Members should present as though they are speaking to a room full of guests. They may look naturally around the room but should not rest their eyes on any individual, including the judges.] The judges will be instructed accordingly.


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